A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Tainan, Taiwan at 3:57 AM on February 6, when most people were sleeping. The quake caused 13 apartment buildings in the city of Tainan to collapse, with the latest reports estimate at least 34 people dead, over 500 injured, and many still trapped in the rubble. This hits home very personally as Tainan is the hometown of Story Leather founder, and Taiwan is where our production team resides. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people in Tainan, let us all get involved and help. There are numerous charities that would be grateful for your support. Here at Story Leather, we are donating to the Tzu Chi Foundation, a Taiwanese non-profit foundation helping the world in need. Read more and donate here: on https://www.tzuchi.us/donate/cause/taiwanquake/ Image courtesy of http://www.tzuchi.us